Hollywood Zombie Pinball Apocalypse

Project description

Hollywood Zombie Pinball Apocalypse is an iPad project developed by 6 students in game design, game art and management at the french institute Supinfogame. In this game, the player controls a crazy pin-ball shaped zombie horde through multiple fast-pace Hollywood movie sets! On their way to fame, these zombies must contaminate more and more humans to increase the horde's size! They'll fight and infect lots of cinema legends to acquire their tremendous powers and discover new paths in the levels...

My resume

Level Designer : finding new ways to create levels quicker - building 3D level from scratch - playtest organisation - preparing marketing content

The jacket

Creation of the level in Illustrator

The logo

The flyer

Import in 3dsmax

Playable on ipad

Extrude to create the level collider

Jungle level

Western level